Diaplerons, duendecillos de los Pirineos

Ha nevado en el Valle de Neruey, y con la nieve llegan a las casas las largas veladas frente al fuego.
Entra y notarás el calorcito...

martes, 7 de febrero de 2012

Transcripciones realizadas por el mismísimo Profesor Sapienger.

PLACE: Neruey Valley
DATE: 30th July 1955
INFORMANT: Violeta, casa Chulia
Age: 5
You enjoy too much asking questions, but you still haven´t told me a tale. Ain´t you got tales in your country? I know this: there was a king with three daughters, put them in three jars and covered tall with tar, do you want me to tell it again? there was a king with three daughters, put them in three jars and covered all with tar, do you want me to tell it again? there was a king with three daughters, put them in three jars and covered all with tar, do you want me to tell it again? This was the last one.

PLACE: Neruey Valley
DATE: 31th July 1955
INFORMANT: D. Eleuterio, pharmacist
Age: 45

Some curious plants grow in this valley,: we have the Carlina Acaulis, or the witches´flower (it looks like a sunflower and they say that it keeps them away while they count its petals). We have the “rusco”, that is blessed on Palm Sunday and exorcize storms and illnesses alike... and, of course, the endemic neruensis fern. It is said that from it seeds are born the diaplerons, little goblins like flies or moths.

PLACE: Neruey Valley
DATE: 11th June 1955
Age: 82

There are things that oughn´t be told but... The grandfather of Mr. Cecil, the violinist was well known in his time. They say he had a loom as nobody has ever seen. It could weave six sheets of canvas in a while and furthermore, anyone who slept there, in these sheets, it was said woul have many dreams... It was a very celebrated loom, even it was shown in Paris, in a very big Universal Exhibition that was held there.

PLACE: Neruey Valley
DATE: 31th July 1955
INFORMANT: Sr, Cecilio
Age: 75
We never had diaplerons, smugglers or anything like this in this mountains. These are stories that are told to pass the winter... How could we go through these difficult passes loaded with sacks or, even worst, with cattle and not being stopped by the carabineros? But you are a man of letters, I invite you to visit my library and you will read some curious facts. What book? Saint who? Saint Cipriano... No, no, I had never heard of it. I don´t think that I have such a book in my library.

PLACE: Neruey Valley
DATE: 18th June 1955
INFORMANT: Lorién, Casa Chulia
Age: 8

I love the tale of the blacksmith that was very hairy and rude and a beggar came and he threw a horseshoe that he was hammering to his feet and the beggar turned the blacksmith into a bear.

PLACE: Neruey Valley
DATE: 30th July 1955
INFORMANT: D. Antonio, the teacher
Age: 52
Neruey Valley is a place branded by its orography. You should be aware that the Romans come here very late, and when they arrive there is only a wood bridge that amazes Quinto Sertorio´s engineers, who assume it has been built with the powers of a hero, as they never had seen anything like that not even in Rome. But suddenly, one night the bridge disappears and the Romans themselves have to build a new stone bridge to come back home. That is still the only way to cross the Sinvoz gully.

PLACE: Neruey Valley
DATE: 23th July 1955
INFORMANT: Mosen Bruno, the priest
Age: 72
Through the years, in this valley, I have come to understand... If you walk this path that circles the wood you will find a dolmen. There I have seen a megalithic carving that looks exactly the same as the ones you can find in Santa María de Neruey´s arcade´s capitals.They look like angels but they are not so. The church, Romanesque it is very old too: the building began in 1198...

PLACE: Neruey Valley
DATE: 4. August 1955
INFORMANT: Orosia, casa Chulia
Age: 65

They say that we have awful communications but nobody really cares. There was a time when we even had a train. My husband, God rest his soul, was a railwayman. But then there was a landslide and bye to the train. It was such a good thing... we could even go to France. But the accident was terrible and I cannot avoid thinking that someone o something provoked it. In the little villages like ours jelousy and envy are all around.

PLACE: Neruey Valley
DATE: 4. August 1955
INFORMANT: Orosia, casa Chulia
Age: 65

Me? With a shawl embroidered and left by the river by a laundress fairy? And you say that the embroidery were moving drawings? My great children are imagining things again!

PLACE: Neruey Valley
DATE: 17th July 1955
INFORMANT: Chuan, shepherd
Age: 42

His name was Salvador Día and belonged to this house. He was able to reap all the fields in the valley in only one night and the next day he dared to go the ball. Nobody in the village have seen anything like that. He was a man of a ver uncommon strength, but they also said that he had a little
tube and ther he kept diaplurins. But these are superstitions, old people and children talks.

PLACE: Neruey Valley
DATE: 24th May 1955
INFORMANT: Orosia, Casa Chulia
Age: 62

I have always been told by my grandmother that there was a priest in the village, Mosén Cipriano de Espierba, whom I never met because he lived in hers grandfather times, that flyed to Madrid to see the bulls. He was carried by diaplerons.

PLACE: Neruey Valley
DATE: 28th June 1955
INFORMANT: Miguelet, the postman
Age: 56

Here lived one who was called the demon´s postman, he was able to deliver the mail in two villages at the same time. He rided a bycicle and he run in the villages competitions. He always won. He had a bycicle that flew.

PLACE: Neruey Valley
DATE: 30th July 1955
INFORMANT: Violeta, Casa Chulia
Age: 5

I am quite afraid of storms. If I am at home, it´s o.k. But to go out, to the “exconjuradero” (the place to put spells on storms)... I think that muy brother Lorién is afraid too though he says he is not. One day I went after him and after Mosén Bruno and saw how the priest spoke to the storm hismself.
My grandmother, she doesn´t speak to the storm but to the saint. She whispers: “Blessed Santa Barbara who are in heaven written, with paper and holy water, in the cross tree, paternoster amen Jesus”.

PLACE: Neruey Valley
DATE: 13th June 1955
INFORMANT: Lorién, Casa Chulia
Age: 8
I like the fire, as cats do. They wait to see if the can have something from the pot, But I wait for my grandmother tales. When it finishes she says “told tale by the chimney has gone, he who do not stand up, worm eaten will be”.

PLACE: Neruey Valley
DATE: 13th June 1955
INFORMANT: Lorién, Casa Chulia
Age: 8

Once I met a bear. It was a very nice Onso, he had travelled a lot with shepherds from AriégeValley, who drove him through the world but when we met he had a job in the cave. He protected the things in. What did I do there? Well, you woudn ´t believe me. The name of the cave: Noreturn Cave.

Una vez conocí a un oso. Era un Onso muy simpático, había viajado mucho con unos pastores del valle de Ariége, que le llevaban de aquí para allá pero cuando yo lo vi tenía trabajo en la cueva. Protegía las cosas de la cueva. ¿Que qué hacía yo allí dentro? Bueno, no me creería. La cueva se llama de Novolvéras.

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